Most Churches Skip the Exit Interview Process.
Don't Yield to That Temptation.
When you have a resignation on the table, the first instinct is to do whatever is necessary to start the process of finding a replacement. The goal is simple: fill the gap and move on. Nobody likes the hiring process, and it can be a huge distraction. But moving immediately into 'search mode' significantly decreases your chances of making a healthy, long-term hire this next time around.
Exit Interviews are a great tool to help understand what is really going on at your church and to begin to plan for the future. True, they can be awkward (that's why most churches skip this crucial step), but they are incredibly helpful for moving into your next ministry season in a healthy way. At Chemistry Staffing, we've developed a plan to remove the awkwardness yet reap the rewards of the information an exit interview provides. Our non-biased ministry professionals interview both you and the departing staff member to provide a comprehensive report that will help you do the following: